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How to deploy content effectively to maximize ROI- [Curated tips for businesses in 2021, from the man himself]

How to deploy content effectively to maximize ROI- [Curated tips for businesses in 2021, from the man himself]

How to deploy content effectively to maximize ROI- [Curated tips for businesses in 2021, from the man himself]

It happened when I was struggling to get clients in the early stages of my career. I had no clue about the clients’ intention behind buying Content.

I was like,

“They are paying so much money for just an article? What for?”

Fast forward to 2020, I realized how important Content is. Even if it wasn’t back then, in this decade, you’ll have to tame Content.

You build a business, put all of your savings hoping to get the best marketing team available, and get a shiny new website designed. Still, there’s no spike in the ‘Traffic’ or the ‘Leads’ region. Sadly, that marks the beginning of your end.

Now, what could have possibly gone wrong, when you’ve done your studies, market analysis and got all the stuff you need to ensure your business becomes a success?

The Content Marketing Strategy wasn’t in place.

Just writing some optimized blogs using SEO content writing tool, or paying someone to do so, isn’t enough. How to plan and deploy them effectively is just as important as the writing.

And I’m not the only one who has this unpopular opinion. Jim Beard seconds my thoughts as well.

Jim Beard

Jim Beard, who is the host of X’s and O’s show and Content Chop Shop, eats and breathes Content. He can’t imagine his life without Content in it. And that doesn’t just mean text. It can be in the form of a video, a podcast, or a live session.

I was humbled when Jim agreed to be interviewed on our show Pro-Panel, and it was a perfect hour.

Starting at why he chose Content to be his Bread and ‘Jam’, to helping others stand out, enhance their brand and content distribution channels – we laughed and talked about a lot.

Content, no matter which business you’re in, plays the most important role in making you stand out.

There are probably a lot of Content Marketing blogs out there, but why do the majority of the people prefer Content Marketing Institutes?

There are lots of SEO content writing tools out there for writers, but how many of them do you know about, besides Grammarly?

And many more.

Once you know how to play your Content Game right, all of a sudden, there will be no competition. Dominating a niche is just a matter of time if you know when and how to shoot the right Content.


In our session, we asked Jim Beard a number of questions that are given below:

  1. What does one expect as immediate ROIs with their content and which of them are realistic to expect?
  2. The relation of reach and engagement with ROI. (Does having a wide reach and engagement on your content directly translate to an ROI for business? How to find a balance between “value-based” content for engagement and “promotional plugs”?)
  3. The most effective channels for content deployment for different purposes ( Blogs, Social Media, Email Marketing, Advertising, etc)
  4. What are the unnecessary investments made by beginners at the initial stages that fail to generate an ROI due to lack of some prerequisite factors? (Folks that invest in advanced software/advertising right from the beginning when they cannot use it at the moment)
  5. The strategies implemented and groundwork required before any ROI can be observed. (What is the initial content deployment strategy that needs to be implemented with no expectations and for how long?)
  6. The flattening of the ROI curve. (After gaining a constant audience base, how to diversify content deployment to (a) Make more profits from the existing audiences (b) Expand your business/brand)

There’s only one way to find answers to the above questions, let’s catch up with Jim Beard!

The investments made into your business are meant to bring you returns, and deploying the right Content can literally do that.

“You need to be the scroll stopper”

And that’s the key to the success of any online business nowadays – Attention!

An average American consumes around 100,000 words worth of Content every single day. People around the globe, cumulatively spend around 11 billion hours every day on social media, consuming Content.

So to get attention out of the overwhelming amount of Content, you’ve got one shot to call – Be the scroll stopper.

No wonder these consumers are consuming more than double after the pandemic hit us!

The world is locked down, with work from home being normalized and online streaming applications and social media are enjoying their high time.

Circumstances are literally in favour of online business persons and the right Content writing template and Strategy can have a long term impact on the mind of the consumers.

A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity is now. Miss it at your own responsibility.


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